Sunday, November 21, 2010

11 : Which GOD is the Greatest ?

Subject: 11 : Which GOD is the Greatest ?
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 22:37:45 +1030

OM Shri Ganeshaaye Namaha ! OM Shri Saraswatey Namaha ! OM Bhur Bhwah Swah, Tat Savitur Vareniyam Bhargo Dewasye Dhimahi, Dhiyo yo Nah Prachodyaat !

Ram Ram, Namaste, Hare Krishna !

Apne apne Mata, Pita aur Guru Jan ko yaad kar lein !

Which GOD is the Greatest ?
This question has haunted the Agyani for time immemorial.
Hamare Guru Jan have tried to explain this in a very simple and effective way.

Christianity describes Jesus as the son of God. God himself is not specifically decribed.
Islam describes Prophet Muhammed as the way to Allah, which is God.
Hinduism describes and shows the Tridev Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh in many forms, but beyond that
is Omkaar, which remains unexplained.
Basically, all major religions agree that there is only ONE God, who is beyond description.

If we substitute number 9 for God and see how we can achieve number 9.
8 + 1 = 9
6 + 3 = 9
3 + 3 + 3 = 9
4 + 5 = 9

There are many ways to achieve number 9. Each of these equations are similar to a religion.
All the religions and their prophets,great sages (shadhus) and seers have always tried to show
the believer the path to Godhead - Unending happiness.
Can anyone claim that 8 + 1 is greater thans 4 + 5 ? If one does claim that 6 + 3 is greater
than 7 + 2, what should we think of them ?

9 symbolises uniformity, consistency, eternity, unshaken in belief - if you multiply 9 by any
number and add the digits, you will always get 9. 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54 and so on are
multiples of 9 - add the digits and you'll always get 9
Ram Ji is associated with 9 - that's why we have Ram Naumi

Krishna Ji is chanchal and natkhat, ever changing. He is associated with 8. Multiples of 8 add
up to a different number all the time. 8, 16, 24, 32....
That's why we have Krishna Ashtami.

Please excuse my mistakes, build on the good bits and enlighten those around you.

Muskuraate Raho

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