Wednesday, August 17, 2011

49 - Sesa Ganesh Mahesh

Guru Jan ko sadar Pranaam.....

A short prose from Raskhan Ji on Sri Krishna, as the Ashtami approaches.....


सेस, गनेस , महेस, दिनेस, सुरेसहु  जाही  निरंतर  गावैं
जाहीं   अनादी  अनंत  अखंड   अछेद  अभेद  सु  वेद बतावें
नारद  से  सुक व्यास  रहें  पचि हारे तऊ पुनि  पार न  पावें
ताहि  अहिर  कि छोछरिया  छछिया भरी  छाछ  पई नाच  नचावैं

सेस - शेष नाग – Shesh Naag
गनेस  - गणेश भगवान् – Ganesh Ji
महेस  - शिव जी – Shiv Ji, Mahesh
दिनेस - सूर्य देवता – Sun God
सुरेसहु  - रजा इन्द्र भी - Indra
जाही   - जिस को - Whom
निरंतर  गावैं  - रोज़ भजते है – Continually pray to
अनादी   - जिन का शुरुआत नहीं – Without beginning
अनंत  - जिन का अंत नहीं – Withount an end
अखंड  - समूचा, सम्पूर्ण – Pure & perfect
अछेद - जिस में छेद नहीं, गंभीर – Serious, thoughtful
अभेद - जो किसी से भेद नहीं करता – who does not discriminate
सु  वेदा  बतावें - सभी वेद ऐसा बतलाते है – so do the great vedas tell us
नारद - देवऋषि नारद जी – Very learned Narad Ji
सुक - सुकदेव मुनि – Very knowledgeable Sukdeo Muni
व्यास - वेदों व्यास जी – Very intelligent Vedo Vyas Ji
अहिर - गाय पालने वाले, दूध का वेओसाय करने वाले – Cattle Farmers
छोछरिया - छोकरिया, लडकिया – Ladies, girls
छछिया भरी - थोड़ी सी, कटोरी भर – a little bit
छाछ - माखन – Cream from milk
नाच  नचावैं  - प्रभु को नचाती है – make Him dance

 The Unfathomable

Sesa, Ganesa, Mahesa, Dinesa, Suresahu jahi nirantara gavain
Jahi anadi ananta akhanda acheda abheda su veda batavain
Narada se Suka Vyasa rahain paci hare tau puni para na pavain
Tahi ahira ki chochariyan chachiya bhari chaach pai nacha nachavain

The Almighty God to whom the thousand-headed Shesh Naag Ji, Ganesh Ji, Mahesh (Shiv) Ji, Surya Devta, King of the Heaven Indra, pray and sing praises of, all the time…..
The Supreme being who is described by the great Vedas as without a beginning or an end, who is pure and perfect, who does not discriminate on the basis of birth, social hierarchy, age, gender, religion, caste etc….
The omnipotent God whom the great gyani Narad Ji, very intelligent Sukdeo Ji and extremely talented Vedo Vyas ji, tried very hard to find the out the extent of his powers and abilities but could not find the answers……
The same kind and loving God, for a bowl of Maakhan, would dance in front of the cowgirls of Vrindaban. THAT is the power of Shraddha Bhakti and the extent to which God loves those who really believe in Him.

Any errors found in these translations are not meant to confuse you, but is an indication of a lack of knowledge on my part. Please correct it and use as you choose fit.

Muskuraate Raho