Ram Ram, Namaste, Hare Krishna, Namaskaaram, Sai Ram, Bula, Salaam, Sat Shri Akaal !
Guru Jan Ko Pranaam !!
Guru Jan Ko Pranaam !!
In response to a query from a regular correspondent....some personal thoughts !
Pitar Pak – Pitru Paksha (पितृ पक्ष)
Pitru Paksha Shradh, or Pitr Paksh Shraddh, is the annual rites and rituals offered to ancestors, relatives and dead parents in the month of Ashwin in North India and during Bhadrapad in Gujarat and Maharashtra. Pitru Paksha Shradh 2011 begins on September 13 and ends on September 27. It is popularly believed that the Shradh performed during the Pitr Paksh Shraddh fortnight is highly auspicious as it reaches the dead relatives immediately and therefore their souls attain liberation or rest in peace.
All the great Hindu Granths are full of knowledge which contradict the notion of ancestor worship. The respect for your elders and ancestors should be there ALL the time, not just a few weeks a year.
The Hindu Granths are based on the principle that Karam (deeds) is the highest virtue (Karam Pradhaan). One will be judged on one’s own deeds. No one can be judged on other people’s Karam. So it is essential that we do good deeds all the time. These will be the monetary units that will come in handy in the afterlife.
People say “Puraan mein likha hay” that is why we do it. The Puraans are full of great things like , do not tell lies, be friendly with your families, friends and fellow beings, do not cheat, do not hate, do not hurt…etc, but we choose not to follow all the good things !
YOU will have to decide for yourself. Here are some Shloks from Bhagvat Gita. Jagat Guru Sri Krishna is enlightening the whole world, via his friend and disciple Sri Arjun…
अशोच्या न अन्वशोचः त्वम् प्रज्ञावादां च भाषसे
गतासून अगतासून च न अनुशोचन्ति पंडितः (Gita 2/11)
Ashochya na anwshoch: cha twam pragyaavaadaan bhaashse
Gataasoonashcha na anushochanti pandita:
We have to rearrange the Sanskrit Shlok to get the Hindi meaning:
त्वम् (तुमने) अशोच्या न (शोक न करने योग्य का) अन्वशोचः (शोक किया है) च (और) प्रज्ञावादां (पंडिताई की बाते) भाषसे (कह रहे हो)
गतासून (जिनके प्राण चले गये है, उनके लिये) च (और) अगतासून (जिनके प्राण नहीं गये है, उनके लिये) पंडितः (पंडित लोग, ज्ञानी लोग) न अनुशोचन्ति (शोक नहीं करते)
यः एनं वेक्ति हन्तारं यश्चैनं मन्यते हतम
ऊभौ तौ न विजानीतो नायं हन्ति न हन्यते (Gita 2/29)
Yah enam vekti hantaram yaSHchaynam manyate hatam
Ubhow tow n vijaaniito naayam hanti na hanyate
यः (जो मनुष्य) एनं (इस अविनाशी शरीरी (जीव) को) हन्तारं (मारनेवाला) वेक्ति (मानता है ) च (और) यः (जो मनुष्य) एनं (इस को) हतम (मरा) मन्यते (मानता है)
तौ (वे) ऊभौ (दोनों ही (इस जीव को) न (नहीं) विजानीतः (जानते (क्योकि)) अयं (यह) न (न) हन्ति (मारता है (और)) न (न) हन्यते (मारा जाता है)
Any anomalies and discrepancies in the attempted translations are not meant to confuse you, but an indication of a lack of knowledge on my part. Please forgive us and use the information as you choose fit.
Muskuraate Raho
Muskuraate Raho
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