Ram Ram, Namaste, Hare Krishna, Namaskaaram, Sai Ram, Bula, Salaam, Sat Shri Akaal, Hari Bol !
Guru Jan Ko Sadar Pranaam !!
Bhagvad Gita 1.15
पाञ्च्जन्यम हृषीकेशो देवदत्तं धनञ्जयः।
पौंड्रम दध्मौ महाशंख्म भीमकर्मा वृकोदरः।।15।।
Paanchjanyam Hrishikesho Devdattam Dhananjayam
Powndram Dadhmow Mahashankham Bhimkarma Vrukodarah
हृषीकेशः = अन्तर्यामी भगवान् श्री कृष्ण ने ; पाञ्च्जन्यम = पाञ्चजन्य नामक (तथा) ; धनञ्जयः = धनंजय अर्जुन ने; देवदत्तं = देवदत्त नामक शंख बजाया (और); भीमकर्मा = भयानक कर्म करने वाले; वृकोदर: = वृकोदर भीम ने; पौंड्रम = पौण्ड्र नामक; महाशंख्म = महा शंख; दध्मौ = बजाया।
Shri Krishna (Hrishikesh) blew His shankh named Paanchjanya. Arjun (Dhananjay) puffed on his shankh called Devdatt. Mighty Bhim bellowed on his shankh called Powndra.
One of Shri Krishna’s many names is Hrishikesh, which means one who knows everything about our innerself (Hriday). All the things we say or even just think about, He knows. His shankh is called Paanchjanya. In today’s analogy the blowing of the conch shells is similar to the pre-election political speeches. If you vote for me, this is what I will do for you.
Paanchjanya means controlling the five (paanch) senses. By blowing the Paanchjanya, Sri Krishna is telling His disciples, the righteous people, that if you submit to me (vote for me) then I will control your senses. Those who are able to control their senses will triumph over their internal enemies, the evil within us.
The evil Kauravas have a much greater army (11 mighty armies) while the Pandavas had only 7. By befriending Sri Krishna they were able to defeat the Kauravas.
Arjun (Dhananjay) blows his shankh called Devdatt, which means one who will take you on the path of the Devtas – the right and truthful path. The other path is for the Raakshas. If you follow me I will be able to lead you towards eternal peace and harmony.
Bhim’s shankh was called Powndra, meaning love, affection & adoration (Preeti). If you follow us (the Pandavas) we will eliminate fear from within you and fill it with love and affection. A soul without love will not be able to find eternal peace and harmony.
Until next time....
Muskuraate Raho !
These are my personal notes and any anomalies in these attempted translations are not meant to confuse you, but an indication of a lack of knowledge on my part.
Please correct and use as you may see appropriate.
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