Tuesday, May 7, 2013

108 - Bhagvat Gita 1.16

अनंत  विजयं  राजा कुंती  पुत्रो  युधिष्ठिरः  
नकुलः  सहदेव  श्च   सुघोष  मणि  पुष्पकौ ।।16।।

Anant Vijyam Raja Kunti Putro Yudhishthiraha.
Nakulah Sahdevshch Sughosh Mani Pushpakow.

कुंती पुत्रः - Kunti Putrah (Son of Kunti), राजा - Raja (King); युधिष्ठिरः – Yudhisthir (ने - ne); अनंत  विजयं नामक (शंख  बजाया तथा- Anant Vijyam (Blew a Shankh named “Always wins, Never loses”, “Endless peace”).
नकुलः – Nakul;   – cha (और); सहदेव – Sahdev (ने - ne); सुघोष – Sughosh; मणिपुष्पक – Manipushpak नामक (शंख  बजाये).

Son of Kunti, King Yudhishthir, blew a conch named “Anant Vijay”. Anant means endless and Anant is also one of many names of God. “Hari Anant Hari Katha Ananta”. King Yudhishthir lets the people know that those who follow us (in today's analogy - those who vote for us) will get endless peace, will never lose, and I (the king) will be able to let “you” meet & greet with God (Anant). Only those who find God find endless inner peace. Finding God means being at ease and in peace with EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY around us.

If we cause grief and pain to others in the name of religion, if our religious belief does not allow us to tolerate and respect those around us, then we may not be getting the correct translation of our wonderful religious scriptures.

Nakul blows his conch named SughoshSu means beautiful and Ghosh means message. There is only onebeautiful message – the message from God. The good and great messages in our scriptures, that are designed to make our lives beautiful – ALWAYS !
Sahdev blows his conch named “Mani Pushpak”. This is really hard to explain but I will attempt my best. Mani means valuable. One of the meanings of Pushpak is AirValuable Air – is our valuable breath (Swaas), that we take in every few seconds. Sahdev promises an unending supply of swaas, a long peaceful, happy life.

PS – Pushpak Vimaan – A craft that can float in air, or move as fast as wind.

Until next time....
Muskuraate Raho !

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