Tuesday, November 6, 2012

100A - The Diwali Diya – Meaning & Significance

Ram Ram, Namaste, Hare Krishna, Namaskaaram, Sai Ram, Bula, Salaam, Sat Shri Akaal, Hari Bol ! 

Guru Jan Ko Sadar Pranaam !! 

It is so appropriate that the 100th email goes out on this auspicious Diwali week. 

The Diwali Diya – Meaning & Significance

The traditional Diwali Diya comprises of an earthen bowl, a cotton wick and ghee or oil as fuel.
Nowadays, the market is full of crafted and designer Diyas. Some are very attractive, both in presentation and in price.

The traditional Diwali Diya represents humbleness, selflessness, thoughtfulness, and above all unity.

Humbleness comes from the humble earth it is made from. It does not matter how much you spend on a designer Diya, one cannot produce any more light than a traditional Diya.
The Diya suffers extreme heat and burns to provide light to others – selflessness.
Light can only be produced if the earthen bowl unites with the cotton wick and the ghee. Without this cooperation there cannot be any light. This represents the unity of the family unit, the harmony of the neighbourhood and the coherence of the Mandali & Mandir membership.

Light represents happiness, hope, knowledge, cheerfulness, optimism, etc.

If each one of us could be a bit more humble, a bit less selfish, and a bit more thoughtful of those around us, irrespective of their religious preferences, their colour, race, sex etc, then the message of Diwali will be truly and correctly achieved.

Muskuraate Raho !
These are my personal notes and any anomalies in these attempted translations are not meant to confuse you, but an indication of a lack of knowledge on my part.
Please correct and use as you may see appropriate.

1 comment:

  1. Diwali is indeed a festive holiday to celebrate. Since diwali is coming so celebrate your diwali with CraftEra Diwali Diya Thali and get up to 50% off, and i'd like to express my warmest Diwali wishes to all.
    Happy Diwali!
