Monday, August 6, 2012

89 - Nana Puraan Nigam Aagam Sammatam yad

Guru Jan Ko Pranaam !! 

नानापुराणनिगमागमसम्मतं यद्
रामायणे निगदितं क्वचिदन्यतोऽपि।
स्वान्तःसुखाय तुलसी रघुनाथगाथा-
भाषानिबन्धमतिमञ्जुलमातनोति।।RCM 1/7।।

Nana Puraan Nigam Aagam Sammatam yad
Ramayane Nigditam Kwachid anyetoh api
Swaantah Sukhaay Tulsi Raghunath Gaatha
Bhaashaa Nibandham ati Manjulam Aatnoti

Nana Puraan – All the 18 Puraans
Nigam Aagam – The 4 Vedas & 6 Shastras and various other reputable granths
Sammatam – Agree with, acknowledge, sahmat
Nigditam – Narrated, related by, story told by
Kwachit Anyetoh Api – Some information has been obtained from other sources
Swaantah – Apne atma, apne antahkaran ke
Sukhaay – Sukh, shanti ke liye
Nibandham – Explanation, commentary
Ati Manjulam – Extremely beautiful
Aatnoti or Aatnoshi – Explanation that illuminates the soul

This shlok has been translated by several learned and knowledgeable saints and religious pundits with varying interpretations. A combination of some of these interpretations is being collated.

Tulsi Das ji is saying that this great epic, Ramayana, is the nectar of the knowledge contained in the 18 Puraans. It also has the cream of the knowledge contained in the Vedas, the Shastras and the Upanishads.
The extremely beautiful language has been used to describe the stories of Sri Raghunath Ji. The explanations and commentary are such that illuminates the saintly soul.
All this, I have done for the internal peace of my own soul. If it is of any benefit to anyone else, than it is a bonus.

Any anomalies in these attempted translations are not meant to confuse you, but an indication of a lack of knowledge on my part.
Please correct and use as you may see appropriate.

 Muskuraate Raho 

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